Following extension is supported by BitComet. Last Update: JAN-05-2004 Author: ~RnySmile~ 1. Torrent Format Extension ========================================== 1.1 Unicode Support (by ulion) ========================================== add ".utf-8" for those utf-8 encoding strings. UTF-8 values have higher periority than MBCS strings. e.g: * "name" * "name.utf-8" * "path" * "path.uft-8" * "comment" * "comment.utf-8" * "publisher" * "publisher.utf-8" * "publisher-url" * "publisher-url.utf-8" 1.2 Multitracker (by John Hoffman) (all format supported, but all trackers treated equally) ========================================== * "announce-list" In addition to the standard "announce" key, in the main area of the metadata file and not part of the "info" section, will be a new key, "announce-list". This key will refer to a list of lists of URLs, and will contain a list of tiers of announces. If the client is compatible with the multitracker specification, and if the "announce-list" key is present, the client will ignore the "announce" key and only use the URLs in "announce-list". 2. Tracker Communication Extension ========================================== 2.1 [Request] Local IP Support ========================================== * "&localip=" Add internal IP announce so that peers in one subnet could connect to each other. 2.2 [Request] Hide myself ========================================== * "&hide=1" Tell tracker do not tell my IP to others. e.g. Listening port is closed, no one can connected to me. 2.3 [Response] Torrent Statistics Report ========================================== * "num peers" Totoal Connected Peer Number. * "done peers" Totoal seeds. References ========================================== planned extension: 1.3 piece hash less (by Olaf van der Spek) ========================================== * "info_hash" The info-pieces key of a .torrent is optional. When it's not present, a 20 bytes info_hash key should be present instead containing the SHA1 hash of the info-pieces key.